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For certain companies, vehicles are the lifeline of the business. Whether they specialize in delivering goods, transporting people or equipment, or providing services, if something happens to the commercial fleet, it can cause extra expenses, downtime and lots of paperwork.

As such, if your company has a commercial fleet of vehicles, it’s important to do everything in your power to protect them. Here are some ways to better keep your commercial vehicles safe and secure.

Consistent Maintenance

Regular maintenance and repair checks do more to protect your commercial vehicles than you might think. For one, you can ensure all security features are functioning correctly. But you also make sure your vehicles are operating normally in general, which helps prevent them from breaking down and stranding your employees while they’re on the road. Consider hiring a locksmith to regularly inspect and repair locks, alarm systems and other security components so your fleet remains in optimal condition.

Properly Installed Mechanisms

Did you know that a locksmith can help with installing locks and ignitions? Not only can they help you with upgrades, but they can inspect mechanisms to ensure they’re working properly and efficiently as possible. If you’ve experienced frequent issues with locks, ignitions or another security-related features, consider having a locksmith install a new version—or at least inspect and be sure that all are installed properly. Making sure these mechanisms are installed right the first time limits the number of potential issues you may experience down the road.

GPS Tracking

Do you know where your commercial vehicles are at all times? If not, you could be in for a difficult and confusing situation. However, installing GPS tracking devices on your fleet gives you tracking capabilities that are paramount in the unfortunate event of a theft. Chances of recovery also increase with some form of GPS tracking. The good news is that there are a variety of solutions in this area, from individual trackers to security upgrades that come with GPS tracking as a feature. Many even let you download an app and track cars from the convenience of your smartphone.

New Keys, Locks or Alarms

Your biggest deterrents to thieves and unauthorized access are your keys, locks and alarms. It’s important to schedule regular rekeying services, especially if you experience high employee turnover or live in an area with high crime rates. Locks can also break or wear down over time, so adding new locks may be necessary on occasion. Finally, state-of-the-art alarm systems are available that are designed specifically for commercial vehicles. These systems can detect intrusion attempts and alert both the vehicle driver and law enforcement, providing added security and peace of mind for business owners.

A Partnership with a Locksmith

Whether an employee locks the keys inside the vehicle or you simply need maintenance, new security products or regular inspections, a professional automotive locksmith can be a valuable partner. A-1 Locksmith, for example, works with dozens of businesses in Dallas-Fort Worth that own commercial fleets that must be protected and secured. If you experience a time-sensitive security situation, you don’t want to be searching for someone who can help—which is just one of the reasons why having the contact info for a locksmith you trust is a great benefit.

Secure Parking

Another way you can protect your commercial vehicles is with a secure parking lot or facility. Make sure these areas have proper lighting and consider utilizing a gate or dedicated parking spaces equipped with surveillance cameras. A locksmith can even help here by assessing your parking facilities and recommending additional security measures to enhance protection. 

Proper Employee Training 

Employee education is another tool that can keep cars secure. By educating your team on the importance of vehicle security and proper usage of security features, you minimize risk. Consider implementing protocols for vehicle keys, which includes control measures that prevent unwanted duplication. Training programs are a great way to reinforce security best practices within your organization.

Insurance Coverage

At the end of the day, things can still happen to your commercial vehicles, even if you take every security precaution in the world. But you can still protect your investments and prevent heavy losses by ensuring vehicles are adequately insured against theft, vandalism and other potential risks. Be sure to review your insurance policies regularly to confirm coverage levels and make adjustments as necessary. A-1 Locksmith has worked closely with insurance providers to offer comprehensive security solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Furthermore, you may get a discount on insurance if you have the right security systems in place.

These are just a few tips for protecting commercial vehicles. To get more ideas or schedule a security audit for your commercial facility, contact A-1 Locksmith today and we’ll be happy to show you why we’re one of the top automotive locksmiths in Dallas-Fort Worth.

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